

Conclusion Miniature implants o er many bene ts which can help achieving stable and predictable outcomes. eir use can make implant treatment for patients much less invasive and less technically risky for dentists. ey can help restoring partial or full arch edentulous patients with more a ordable andmuch less traumatic surgical procedures. Conflict of interest: e author is the inventor of the new Miniature implant system and founder of BioMiniatures Pty Ltd. u Dhaliwal JS, Albuquerque RF Jr, Murshed M, Feine JS. Osseointegration of standard and mini dental implants: a histomorphometric comparison. Int J Implant Dent. 2017 Dec;3(1):15. doi: 10.1186/s40729-017-0079-1. Schwindling FS, Schwindling FP. Mini dental implants retaining mandibular overdentures: A dental practice-based retrospective analysis. J Prosthodont Res. 2016 Jul;60(3):193-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jpor.2015.12.005. PubMed PMID: 26783089. Shatkin TE, Shatkin S, Oppenheimer BD, Oppenheimer AJ. Mini dental implants for long-term xed and removable prosthetics: a retrospective analysis of 2514 implants placed over a ve-year period. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2007 Feb;28(2):92-9; quiz 100-1. Bulard RA, Vance JB. Multi-clinic evaluation using mini-dental implants for long-term denture stabilization: a preliminary biometric evaluation. Compend Contin Educ Dent. 2005;26:892-897. 2. 3. 4. References 1.

Regular follow up con rmed stable peri-implant health and successful outcome for the patient which improved her speech and aesthetics signi cantly. e implant #36 also presented failure at a later stage and had to be explanted. Due to the Covid19 pandemic, patient failed to attend her 6 monthly recall appointments for over 18 month and attended an appointment in the early 2022 complaining of a chipped tooth. In the clinical examination, return of peri implantitis in three of the Intra Lock implants #15, #22 and #25 areas noted. e Miniature implant placed in area of #11 presented no signs of peri-implantitis or peri-implant mucositis. e radiographic examination revealed a stable marginal bone level for the Miniature implant. e a ected implants were surgically treated for their peri-implantitis which included modi cation of the implant surface and bone augmentation. Interestingly all other implants except theMiniature implant showed some degree of marginal bone loss, peri-mucositis or peri-implantitis at some stage. e stable bone and tissue of the Miniature implant is considerable thanks to the tissue level form of the implant.

region of Mandible which would require bone drilling and high risk of invasion to the inferior alveolar nerve. Although, the medial branch of mental nerve found to be extended well beyond the premolar region. is would only allow placing implant in the 1st premolar or canine region with an extended cantilever on the future prosthesis. Using Miniature implants (2.8 x 10mm) helped placing an implant in the posterior region, lateral to the inferior alveolar canal with no drilling technique. is would eliminate the need for an extended cantilever in the prosthesis. e implant placement could be well planned by using a guided surgery technique. However, the implantation was done with the help of self-advancing feature of the implant which seems to be directing to the softer cancellous bone and avoids the harder cortical bone. e unique ultra-narrow form of the implant and self advancing feature make them a choice for placement lateral to the inferior alveolar canal with careful treatment planning.

Case 3: e patient is over 61-year-old female who was treated for full arch implant rehabilitation. e position of the inferior alveolar canal limited placing any conventional implants in the posterior

Dr Omid Allan is an international speaker in Implant dentistry. He holds a MSc degree in Aesthetics Dentistry from King’s College of London and an MSc degree in Oral Implantology from Frankfurt Goethe university.



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