

and a radiograph (Fig. 26) showed stability of the crestal bone. At this point, the provisional was used to fabricate a custom impression coping (Fig. 29) to make the nal impression using standard a Polyvinyl Siloxane (PVS) impression technique. e nal ceramic screw-retained implant crown (Fig. 30) (RDT Yuzo Matsumura, Elephant Dental Studio Inc.) was torqued to 35NCM (Figs. 32 & 33) and veri ed by a radiograph (Fig. 31). After 6 months (Figs. 34 & 35), we observed continued excellent tissue color, tone and contour in all dimensions, aswell as natural looking aesthetics that mimic nature. Discussion In today’s landscape of ever-increasing patient demands for immediate and pleasing results, the Socket Shield technique must be considered as one of the primary treatment options for implant tooth replacement in the aesthetic zone. While other methods exist, in terms of augmentationprocedures before, during, or after implant placement, partial extraction therapy is the only technique that facilitates the true biologic preservation of the delicate bone and gingival architecture found in the anterior region. e case presented here displays the many bene ts of the Socket Shield technique: it is minimally invasive, it consists of only a single surgery and at a single surgical site (without need for autogenous bone or tissue harvesting), it promotes quick and uneventful healing, and it results in a very healthy and aesthetic nal outcome. u Dr Jeff Li, Dual Board-certified Periodontist (Canada & USA) Faculty, BITES Institute MINEC Knight (Canada) Clinic: Peterborough Periodontics Peterborough, ON, K9H 1Y6, Canada Email: jefflidmd@gmail.com Instagram: dr.jeffli

Figure 29. Custom Impression, PA

Figure 28. 3 months, Emergence Profile, Occlusal

Figure 27. 3 months, Emergence Profile, Frontal

Figure 32. Crown Insertion Occlusal

Figure 31. Crown Insertion, PA

Figure 30. Ceramic Screw retained Implant Crown

Figure 35. 6 months after Insertion, Frontal

Figure 34. 6 months after Insertion, Occlusal

Figure 33. Crown Insertion, Frontal

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