Figure 6
Figure 7
Figure 8
Figure 10
Figure 9
Figure 11
Grandioso Heavy Flow by Voco and nally a 3mm strip of Ribbond polyethylene ber to ensure adhesion, along with a thin layer of high-load microhybrid resin, in this case, Clear l APX by Kuraray (Fig. 7). Subsequently, layers of composite resin, not exceeding 1mm in thickness, were applied to achieve progressive buildup. Once the biobase was established, a minimal biological preparation was performed using diamond burs, and a de nitive impression was taken for the fabrication of the indirect restoration (Fig. 8). In the second phase, under absolute isolation, the indirect restoration was connected to the previously constructed biobase using an adhesive bonding agent, in this case, a heated composite resin, to ensure an extended working time, high mechanical properties, and favorable aesthetics. Excess material was carefully removed, mainly in proximal areas, and after curing, the rubber dam was removed for the nal view of the restoration, evaluating harmony with the periodontal tissue and occlusion (Fig. 9). u
About Dr. Patricio Gutiérrez Dr. Gutierrez is graduate of the dental school of the Pedro de Valdivia University, in Santiago, Chile. He has carried out his entire career in the private sector, in dierent private clinics located in Santiago. Since he got his degree, Dr. Gutierrez has trained and practiced restorative and aesthetic dentistry, this being his area of interest. In 2016, he participated in the aesthetics diploma in adhesive oral rehabilitation at the dental school of the University of Los Andes, in Santiago. Aer that, he held teaching positions at universities and institutes contributing to numerous publications and clinical cases. This vocation led him to obtain a Magister in Higher Education at the Andres Bello University. Currently, Dr. Gutierrez is studying the Diploma in Restorative Dentistry Biomimicry at the Diego Portales University, also in the same city Santiago. Dr Gutierrez, during the last years he has dedicated himself exclusively to this area, becoming a “opinion leader” of dierent commercial dental brands that are established in Chile.
References 1.
D. Dietschi et al. Current clinical concepts for adhesive cementation of tooth – colored posterior restoration. Pract Periodontal Aesthete Dent (1998) 47–54. 2. P. Magne, R. Sprea co. Deep Margin Elevation: A paradigm Shift Am J Esthet Dent 2012;2:86–96.
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