Unlock the future of dental bone regeneration: A must-attend event!
A re you ready to revolutionise your approach to dental bone regeneration? Join us for an extraordinary opportunity to dive into the cutting-edge advancements shaping the eld. Introducing the New Ideas in Dental Bone Regeneration event, a game-changing experience presented by the eminent clinician, and EthOss Co Founder, Dr Peter Fairbairn from the UK. Get ready to accelerate your knowledge and patient outcomes with new insights that will reshape your understanding of bone regeneration. Get ahead of the curve with Dr Peter Fairbairn Drawing from over 23 years of experience and 8,000 grafts, Dr Fairbairn is your guide to exploring the latest science behind dental bone regeneration. From immune modulation to upregulated host regeneration of bone and next-generation osteo-inductive synthetics, this event will explore the latest clinical and scienti c research. Discover the key takeaways Here’s a sneak peek of what you can expect: u Cutting-edge research: Unearth the revolutionary potential of calcium phosphates as they unlock new pathways to up-regulate host bone regeneration. Dive deep into the science behind these materials and their osteo-inductive prowess. u Revolutionary insights: Combine your newfound knowledge with ground breaking research inosteoimmunology. Understand the intricate dance between host response to foreign body placement, healing, andwhy some graft materials appear to work more quickly than others u Unleash true host bone regeneration: Learn the secrets to achieving authentic host bone regeneration. Understand the signi cance of resorbablematerials, due to the inherent risks of residual graft remaining in the site long-term u Clinical Mastery: Delve into Dr Fair bairn’s own clinical cases, unveiling surgical protocols developed for opti mised outcomes. From bony defects, large-scale full-arch regeneration, socket grafts, sinus augmentations, periodontal defects, peri-implantitis and apicectomies and cyst site regen eration, you’ll be equipped to conquer diverse challenges. u Long-term success: Witness a variety
of cases with extended follow-ups of up to 9 years. Gain insights into delayed and immediate placements, backed by tangible results. u Hands-on experience: Immerse your self in a dynamic practical session, exploring mixing techniques and application strategies rsthand. New for 2023, we’re thrilled to introduce a unique opportunity to share your experiences. Submit your sub-optimal cases anonymously before the event, and gain insights during open discussions led by Dr Fairbairn and your peers. Turn challenges into opportunities for growth, learning, and improvement. Secure your spot Don’t miss your chance to be a part of this transformative event and experience rst hand the latest scienti c breakthroughs, clinical expertise, and hands-on insights. Mark your calendar for an event that promises to reshape your approach to dental bone regeneration. Book your ticket now via EventBrite to secure your place and be a part of a dental revolution that’s changing the game! Hurry – limited seats available. Your journey to rede ning dental bone regeneration starts here. Turn case challenges into opportunities Location: Pullman Hotel Adelaide, 16 Hindmarsh Square, Adelaide CPD: 7 hours Price: $280 Search “EthOss” on EventBrite for tickets Sydney Date: Saturday 4th November 2023 Time: 9am – 5pm Location: Pullman Hotel Sydney, 36 College St, Darlinghurst CPD: 7 hours Price: $280 Search “EthOss” on EventBrite for tickets Adelaide Date: Friday 3rd November 2023 Time: 9am – 5pm
For enquiries, please contact W9 Pty Ltd at education@w9.com.au or 02 9987 4224.
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