e Bisco experience at Schaumburg
I llinois, Chicago is one of those milestone events in your life, never to be forgotten. In mid-July 2023, the team at Amalgadent Dental and one lucky Australian dentist, Dr Annie Tong, embarked on a learning adventure that would bond us forever. Flyingtwentyhours fromMelbourne,we arrived late Friday evening to a downpour in Chicago. Fortunately, it cleared up to a perfect Chicago summer day. We spent the Saturday and Sunday exploring the city before going to Schaumburg, the home of Bisco. Over the course of three days, we attended lectures and participated in physical laboratory testing of materials. ese sessions were conducted by: u e very humble Dr Byoung Suh, Founder and President of Bisco Dental products. u Dr Rolando Nunez, Director of Clinical A airs u Dr Erick Yu, Manager of Research and Development Technology u Dr Qiang Ma, Research Scientist u Dr Joseph Kim, Clinical Advisor We were rst greeted at the hotel by David Han, our most gracious and accommodating host. He was then followed by more of the Bisco family, Flemming Poulson, International Sales Manager and Terri from reception. ey all made us feel welcome and at home as we focused on the science behind the Bisco Dental product range. We learnt of the extensive science behind the customer service team. ey were able to eld every query with their vast knowledge in general and more speci cally the Bisco products range. Despite Rolando’s cowboy hat and rubber ducky shirt, Rolando could not disguise his professionalism and expertise
in the eld of Biomaterials and Research and Development. If anything, it further ampli ed his passion and die-hard belief in his work. He was at home and in his element sharing his knowledge and research ndings. Dr Suh also lectured us, more speci cally on the following topics: u About his new project, rewriting his Principals of Adhesion Dentistry. It will include the latest up to date technology and state of the art research. u Developing ethical, sound experiments in the lab. u e art of troubleshooting Zirconia bonding. u Breaking though the misconceptions of current adhesive protocols across the multitudes of substrates, whilst achieving biocompatibility e team approach demonstrated
David Han
between Dr Suh and his exemplary sta , constantly striving to “bridge thedisconnect between science and clinicians” was evident. We donned full PPE as we entered the lab. We were surrounded by high tech testing and experimental equipment. is gave us a fuller appreciation of the length of time it takes to “calibrate” the team for the utmost uniformity in testing. What astounded me the most was the dedication of everyone on the team. “If Dr Suh says do it again … you do it again. Over and over, again” said Dr Rolando amidst the high-tech equipment technology. Rolando emphasised core principles: “Respect and Honour. Believe that the data is valuable.” Over dinner we shared a never-ending menu, owing with beer and a Shandy or two. Dr Suh announced that the “Aussies were too loud,” whilst the Aussies declared the rowdy Venezuelan on the table was to blame. Many laughs were had and more
Dr Annie Tong with Dr Byuong Suh and Dr Rolando Nunez
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